Professional Window Tinting expert installs storm protection window film to Mid Atlantic home.

Safeguard Against Mid-Atlantic Storm Season With Window Tint

Gail BluesteinSafety & Security Window Film

Our Mid-Atlantic region has experienced an uptick in extreme weather events, from severe thunderstorms to flash flooding to intensifying hurricanes. One strategic upgrade for residents of coastal states like Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey is to add storm protection window tint to your home or business. If you’ve lived through a few bad storms and put masking tape on your windows, you know what we’re talking about. This simple addition can help protect your interiors from exposure to high winds, storm surges, and flooding that could potentially damage your property and endanger lives.

We install several types of security window films that add a layer of resilience to customer homes and businesses. It’s designed to meet the demands of severe weather, and when properly applied, it adds so many more visual and cost-saving benefits.

Storm Protection Window Tint For Hurricane And Storm Season 

When a hurricane strikes, one of the biggest threats to your home is from flying debris and high winds that can shatter windows. Storm protection window tint is designed to hold broken glass together, preventing it from blowing away in powerful gusts. This also stops wind and rain from entering through broken windows, limiting water damage and preventing further destruction.

The structural enhancement provided by window film is especially important for homes in hurricane zones. During intense storms, pieces of siding, roof tiles, tree branches and other objects can easily break through standard windows. Safety window films have an adhesive layer that keeps shattered glass bonded, so it stays in place rather than becoming projectiles and leaving an open hole in your home’s exterior.

Window film also makes the glass more impact resistant, reducing the likelihood of breakage in the first place. The durable layers make it harder for debris to puncture. This protection limits the initial damage from storms, maintaining your home’s structural integrity against powerful winds and objects carried by the wind.

By keeping wind and rain out of broken windows, window film reduces the need for costly emergency repairs in the aftermath of storms. It provides an added layer of defense that can significantly limit destruction to your home or business. For regions like ours that are prone to hurricane strikes and extreme weather, window tints are an excellent safeguard against storm season.

Cold Weather Insulation

Storm protection window tint provides excellent insulation against cold winter weather, especially the intense gusts we experience along the coast. The layered construction of window tint, often using metals like aluminum, provides a protective barrier that prevents cold air from penetrating your home. This helps maintain a consistent and comfortable indoor temperature during the coldest months.

Without window tint, cold drafts can enter through windows and doors, forcing your heating system to work harder. Heating and cooling costs can rise as a result. The insulating qualities of window film act as an additional seal to keep warm air inside. Many modern safety and security window films are designed specifically to insulate homes for both summer and winter weather extremes.

The snug and well-insulated indoor environment window tint makes it ideal for homes and businesses in climates that experience extreme conditions. Window film helps block cold air infiltration and lock in the heat, allowing you to stay comfortable without constantly adjusting your thermostat.

UV Protection

Despite the overcast conditions that storms can bring, it doesn’t rain all the time, and UV protection is still a priority. Sun Control window tint blocks harmful UV rays, which not only protects your skin but also your interior furnishings and merchandise from fading.

Sun control window tint is designed with a UV absorbing component that prevents up to 99% of UV rays from passing through your windows. This provides a protective barrier between you and the sun’s rays, reducing your risk of sun damage and skin cancer. Without window film, UV rays can still penetrate through glass and damage your skin. 

The UV protection also helps preserve your interior furnishings, artwork, photographs, and flooring. Rugs, wood floors, leather furniture, and fabric are all susceptible to fading and deterioration from UV exposure over time. The sun’s UV rays cause materials to break down faster. Window tint acts as a shield to prolong the life of these items. You’ll notice less fading on furniture and floors nearest windows after installing film.

Protect Your Investment, And The People That Depend On You

Our customers are always impressed at how well installing protective window film protects against severe weather. Some of the benefits of window film that they mention the most are:

  • Strengthening windows to withstand high winds and debris during storms
  • Insulating against cold drafts in winter and heat gain in summer
  • Blocking UV rays even on cloudy storm days  
  • Reducing heat buildup during peak summer heatwaves

We’ve all seen how extreme weather is becoming more frequent and intense, especially in our Mid-Atlantic coastal region, which is already prone to mixed conditions. We can prepare your home or business now to mitigate damage and keep your family, customers, employees, or tenants safe and comfortable with the addition of storm protection window tint.

Let Professional Window Tinting Safeguard Your Home with Window Tint

Contact our team of experts today to schedule a free consultation. We’ll check out your windows, talk to you about any other considerations, and recommend the right window tint for your home or business. We’ll help you choose the right long-term protection and give you some immediate peace of mind.

Professional Window Tinting is a family-run and woman-owned business, proudly serving the MD, DE, PA, and NJ region for over 30 years. To get your free quote on commercial, residential, or automotive solar window film, give us a call at (302) 456-3456 or fill out a form online.